
What is Capital Budgeting?

  Capital Budgeting is defined as the process by which a business determines which fixed asset purchases or project investments are acceptable and which are not. Using this approach, each proposed investment is given a quantitative analysis, allowing rational judgment to be made by the business owners. Capital asset management requires a lot of money; therefore, before making such investments, they must do capital budgeting to ensure that the investment will procure profits for the company. The companies must undertake initiatives that will lead to a growth in their profitability and also boost their shareholder’s or investor’s wealth.

decision Making process

  The decision-making process involves the following steps − Define the problem Identify limiting factors Develop potential alternatives Analyze and select the best alternatives Implement the decision Define the Problem The first step in the process of decision making is the recognition or identification of the problem, and recognizing that a decision needs to be taken. It is important to accurately define the problem. Managers can do this by identifying the problem separately from its symptoms. Studying the symptoms helps getting closer to the root cause of the problem. Identify Limiting Factors In order to choose the best alternative and make a decision every manager needs to have the ideal resources − information, time, personnel, equipment, and supplies. But this is an ideal situation and may not always be possible. A limiting factor is something that stands in the way of accomplishing a desired objective. Develop Potential Alternatives Recognizing the limiting factor in a give...

कृषि विकास बैंकको ध्येय , उद्देश्य , दुरदृष्टी तथा अवसर र चुनौतीहरु


बजेटको परिभाषा , प्रकार र बजेटमा हुनु पर्ने गुणहरु

  १) बजेटको परिचय   बजेट (Budget) शब्द French Word Bougett बाट आएको हो जसको अर्थ हुन्छ : a pouch अथवा  a wallet । ‘No Taxation Without representation’ अवधारणा नै बजेटको जननी अवधारणा हो । सन् १७३३ मा बेलायतबाट बजेटको शुरुवात भएको हो । बेलायतका तत्कालीन वित्त मन्त्री walpol  ले सर्वप्रथम बजेट प्रस्तुत गरेका थिए । तर नेपालमा भने वि.सं. २००८ सालदेखि बजेट प्रणालीको शुरुवात भएको हो । नेपालमा वि.संं. २००८ साल माघ २१ गते तत्कालीन प्र.म. मातृकाप्रसाद कोइरालाको पालामा तत्कालीन अर्थमन्त्री सुवर्ण शमशेरबाट सर्वप्रथम बजेट प्रस्तुत गरिएको थियो । सामान्यतया बजेट भनेको कुनै खास आर्थिक वर्षको लागि सरकारको आम्दानी र खर्चको विवरण सहित घोषणा गरिने कार्यक्रमको संगालो हो । तर बजेटको परिचयलाई यतिमै सीमित गर्न सकिदैन । बजेट त सरकारको राजनीतिक, आर्थिक, सामाजिक घोषणापत्र हो । बजेट व्यवस्थापन (Management), सामजिक आर्थिक परिवर्तन (Socio-Evonomic change) तथा व्यवस्थापकीय नियन्त्रण (Legilative control) को साधन (Tool) हो । वास्तवमा बजेट विगतको आर्थिक अवस्थाको अभिलेखन, चालु आर्थिक वर्षको आर्थि...

Bank guarantee vs Letter of credit

  A  bank guarantee  and a  letter of credit  are both promises from a financial institution that a borrower will be able to repay a debt to another party, no matter what the debtor's financial circumstances. While different, both bank guarantees and letters of credit assure the third party that if the borrowing party can't repay what it owes, the financial institution will step in on behalf of the borrower. By providing financial backing for the borrowing party (often at the request of the other one), these promises serve to reduce risk factors, encouraging the transaction to proceed. But they work in slightly different ways and in different situations. Letters of credit are especially important in  international trade  due to the distance involved, the potentially differing laws in the countries of the businesses involved, and the difficulty of the parties meeting in person. While letters of credit are primarily used in global transactions, bank guar...

कार्य सम्पादन मुल्यांकन

  कार्यसम्पादन मूल्याङ्कन कुनै कर्मचारीले निजको पद अनुसार गर्नुपर्ने कार्यको मापन तथा मूल्याङ्कन गर्ने कार्य हो । कार्यसम्पादन मूल्याङ्कन सम्बन्धित कर्मचारीले निजको काम कर्तव्य पुरा गर्दा लगाएको समय, काम गरेको परिमाण, गुणस्तर, प्रभावकारिताका आधारमा निजको कार्यको मूल्याङ्कन गर्ने विधि तथा पद्धति हो । कार्य सम्पादन मूल्याङ्कन गर्न सर्वप्रथम सम्बन्धित कर्मचारीले गर्नुपर्ने कार्यको विवरण हुनु पर्दछ । यो कर्मचारीको काम, काम गर्दाको अवलम्बन गरेको पद्धति तथा त्यसबाट सङ्गठनमा पुगेको योगदान समेत मूल्याङ्कन हो । यसमा केवल काममा प्राप्त सफलता तथा विफलताको लेखाजोखा नगरेर कार्यसम्पादनका क्रममा भएका कमीकमजोरीहरू औँल्याई आवश्यक परामर्शसमेत दिई पुनः सुधारको अवसर प्रदान गरिन्छ । त्यसपछि अन्तिम मूल्याङ्कन गरी मूल्याङ्कनको नतिजालाई प्रोत्साहन पुरस्कार दण्ड आदिसँग आबद्ध गरिन्छ । सङ्गठनको दृष्टिकोणमा यो सुपरिवेक्षणको औजार हो भने व्यक्तिको दृष्टिकोषमा यो आफ्नो क्षमताको पहिचान गरी निरन्तर सुधार मार्फत वृत्तिविकास गर्ने माध्यम हो । कार्य सम्पादन मूल्यांकन कसले गर्छ ? सुपरीवेक्षक कार्यालय प्रमुख तथा विभागि...